Nancy Adeli Dds

2 out of 5 based on 3 user reviewswrite a review

13651 Oxnard St
Van Nuys CA, 91401

13651 Oxnard St, Van Nuys CA, 91401
Woodman Ave & Oxnard St

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About Nancy Adeli Dds

Nancy Adeli Dds, dentist, listed under "Dentists" category, is located at 13651 Oxnard St Van Nuys CA, 91401 and can be reached by 8189083334 phone number. Nancy Adeli Dds has currently 3 reviews.

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Rating Based on 3 Reviews

Brian A.
October 2012
1 out of 5

she will try to scam you with a free teeth whitening.
March 2012
1 out of 5

SHADY!!!!!! My fiance and I had won the "free" teeth whitening kit. So we both decided to go check it out! Worst idea ever! She cleaned my fiance's teeth but did not clean mine because she doesn't take my HMO. She offered to clean my teeth for $150.00, but I told her I can get it done for much less with my dentist. She gave me 4 days to get my teeth cleaned or my free offer would expire, and told me to call once I was ready to set up an appointment. My dentist cleaned my teeth the next day, and immediately after my cleaning,  just like she asked, I called to schedule an appointment. I asked if anything was available for the next day, and they offered an appointment for 3pm. I asked if they had anything at an earlier time because I have a class at 3pm. They said they can be flexible, and asked what time would work for me. I set an appointment for 11:45 am. The morning of my appointment, I received a phone call that a mistake was made and that they already had someone else scheduled for 11:45am. I asked what other times were available, and suddenly she was very busy and did not have any available appointments except for the 3pm slot (which they knew didn't work for me) or until the day after my free offer would expire. Being that this was a "free" kit valued at ($500), I decided to skip class and go to the appointment. During the appointment, she kept trying to sell me something called Snap on Smile, saying "don't you want your teeth to look perfect for the wedding pictures? everyone is gonna see these pictures..." after telling her about 5 times that I could not afford it seeing as I am saving for my wedding, she finally stopped asking!

I knew this was a scam when I began realizing that all of the other patients were also engaged couples that "won" a teeth whitening. While I was sitting in the waiting room, waiting to be called in to pick up my kit, I began to look up her reviews on yelp, (I wish I would have done that sooner!) and found others that had bad experiences with Dr. Adeli. she called me in, and asked once again if i was interested in snap on smile, once again, I said no. When she finally handed my whitening kit, she told me that the refills on the whitening gel are $50 but if I leave a positive review on her yelp, that the first refill will be free. She provided me with a number to place in parenthesis at the end of my review so she could track which customers are entitled to a free refill. 

DO NOT GO!!!!!
June 2011
5 out of 5

When I went to her office at first, I was a little overwhelmed by all the advertising of her services, however, when I actually met her, it was a different story. She provided options to me that nobody had ever provided before. One of the products was "Snap on smile" which I got and it really did "change my smile" as she put it. I would reccomend her to anyone looking into changing their smile.

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Nancy Adeli Dds is currently rated 2.3 out of 5 stars.

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